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Choose the length of your stay, from 22 up to 48 weeks.
Option to change course or destination every 12 weeks.
Option to add afternoon classes.
Delivers prolonged exposure to the language of your studies.
Studying at an officially-accredited language centre under the guidance of highly-qualified teachers and dedicated industry advisors, you can be sure that your learning journey is in safe hands.
While most students will enter into general language classes for their year, they also have the option to study other courses if these are available. General language classes take place in the morning, and students enrolled on a language year programme can also add two afternoon classes a week to their schedule. This makes a total of 25 lessons a week, with the afternoon classes focusing on developing global citizenship through contemporary topics and themes.
167 Queensway
Bayswater, London (UK)
W2 4SB
+44 20 7963 8474