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تأسست Eurocentres عام 1948 كطريقة لتحويل التعليم إلى خبرة شخصية مثرية. ومنذ ذلك الوقت، تطورنا إلى رائد في السوق الدولي لتعليم اللغات، بمدارس في جميع أنحاء أوربا والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وكندا، بالإضافة إلى نيوزيلاندا وجنوب أفريقيا وأستراليا.
سواءً كان حلمك هو العمل في الخارج أو الدراسة في بلد أخرى أو ببساطة تطوير مهاراتك اللغوية، فإن نموذج Eurocentres يجعل تحقيق أهدافك أمرًا سهلاً. نسهل عملية تحولك من الحجز الأولي ومرحلة الاستعلام، طوال الطريق إلى نهاية إقامتك.
بدأت Eurocentres منذ 70 عامًا كنقطة التقاء للناس من جميع أنحاء العالم. وخلال سبعة عقود، قدمت إسهامات كبيرة في مجال تدريس اللغة وما زالت ملتزمة بتحسين خبرات التعلم بتقديم تدريس ممتاز ومبتكر.
1948: Erhard Waespi opens the first Eurocentres school in Bournemouth.
1959: The early Eurocentres schools come to the attention of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives. Founder Gottlieb Duttweiler takes over and opens three new centres in Florence, Barcelona, and Cologne.
1960: Duttweiler forms an independent Foundation under the Eurocentres name, creating a number of what he terms 'European Language and Educational Centres'. The total number of students studying with the Foundation rises to 4,300.Duttweiler forms an independent Foundation under the Eurocentres name, creating a number of what he terms 'European Language and Educational Centres'. The total number of students studying with the Foundation rises to 4,300.
1960: Collaboration with France, Spain, and the USA begins.
1968: Eurocentres receives the "Statut Consultatif de la Catégorie 1" - advisory status in the field of language teaching and learning - from the Council of Europe.
1975: The number of students exceeds 20,000 per year.
1977: The first purpose-built school in London showcases innovative classroom design and self-learning facilities, as well as facilities for Computer Assisted Language Learning.
1984: Eurocentres Cambridge, the second model school for teaching adults, follows.
1986: The first purpose-built school for teaching German opens in Cologne.
1988: New centres are opened in countries outside of Europe, including the USA and Japan.
1990: Eurocentres aids in the development of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and is commended by the Council of Europe Language Policy Unit for its contributions.
1991: With the completion of a new purpose-built school in La Rochelle, there are now 3 year-round schools in France – Paris, Amboise, and La Rochelle.
1993: The "Eurocentres Scale of Language Proficiency" is put into practice. It is followed by the development of a computerised language testing system which enables teachers to generate reliable tests according to students' individual needs.
1995: The first consultancy agreements take shape in in Switzerland, Spain, and Brazil.
1999: International collaboration leads to partnerships in Canada and Malta.
2002: There are now two Eurocentres schools in Canada, and further partnerships develop with schools in Malta, Australia and Spain.
2005: There are now two Eurocentres schools across Australia and a centre opens in Auckland, New Zealand.
2006: Cape Town, South Africa, opens its own centre.
2007: A new school for teaching German opens in Berlin.
2008: The Eurocentres school network in Australia is completed with the opening of Eurocentres Sydney. Today: Eurocentres remains an internationally-recognised organisation, with a network of schools, agencies and offices dedicated to maintaining global dialogues across cultures.